Dear Family and friends,
What happened to June? It went by so fast!
Last week we acted as taxi drivers to 3 BYU-I professors, here to assess their on-line programs and Pathway. Self Reliance Services links with these programs to provide local support to students. I think they were troopers as they endured long days and everything else associated with being here in Africa. These professors had a week packed with meetings, devotionals, business and school visits, and a quick stop at the bead factory. As we helped with their transportation we gleaned new insights into the pros and cons of on-line learning, the challenges for students here in Ghana, and the dedication of these good men.
Then to finish the week off we attended 1 baptism (well actually, seven.) But the special one for us was Larbi's baptism. He works at our apartment complex, where after several Bible discussions Elder Lambert gave him pamphlets on the restoration of the Gospel, and Joseph Smith. A day later he told us, "I know it is true. God sent a prophet. This is the church I want to go to!" He welcomed the invitation to have the young missionaries teach him, and six weeks later, here we are! Another sweet experience we will always treasure.
"There will be times when the path ahead seems dark, but keep following the Savior. He knows the way; in fact, He is the way." Stephen Owen (YM Gen. Pres.) I am so grateful to be on this mission path. Sometimes it has been bumpy, but I testify that it has been worth it.
Until next week... be good, do good!
Elder and Sister Lambert
3 BYU-I professors
2 sister missionaries
1 baptism
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