Hello Family,
This was a week of....Teaching!
It was a busy one. We met with Victor twice, and completed the lessons in his Foundation Principles booklet. We met with, and trained Church Service Missionaries for Lartebiokorshie stake twice, a sweet couple called Kofi and Doris Barlow.
On Tuesday we had a "chance" meeting with one of the groundsmen at the Temple complex. His name is Michael Bosomtwe, and we had met him one other time, months ago at a SR meeting in Tesano stake. He approached us and had to remind us who he was. (I am always embarrassed when I cant remember people) Anyway, following a discussion on self reliance he told us he would be training group facilitators, and ward specialists on Wednesday. We were invited to come. So Wednesday we showed up at Tesano and learned WE would be doing the training! From previous experience we have learned to always come prepared. It turned out to be an awesome experience with lots of questions and learning about how to administer the SR groups. So you may be wondering "What do the Lamberts actually teach at these meetings?" Here is a quick summery of one of our presentation.
1. The first commandments given to Adam after leaving the garden was to be temporally and spiritually self reliant. "By the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread... " and "worship the Lord God, and offer the firstlings of their flock" These commandments are still in effect today. We earn our bread by working and call upon God in the name of the Son.
2. Pres. Hinckley introduced the PEF loan for education students in 2001. He stated,"We must do all we can to help members to lift themselves, to establish their lives upon a foundation of self reliance that can come of training. It is our solemn obligation, it is our certain responsibility, my brethren, to 'succor the weak, lift up the hands that hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees."(D&C 81:5) We must help them to become self reliant and successful." This mandate has grown into the SR initiative.
3. Pres. Uchtdorf stated, "The work of providing in the Lord's way is not simply another item in the catalogue of programs of the church. It cannot be neglected or set aside. It is central to our doctrine: it is theessence of our religion." We ask,"How is self reliance central to our doctrine?"
4. We use scriptures to emphasis that self reliance is a principle of salvation. The Lord's purpose is to provide for His Saints and He has all power to do so. The temporal and spiritual are one.
The principles of faith in Jesus Christ, obedience, action, unity and service are discussed.
5. We then review My Path, Foundations and the three groups that can be joined: My Job Search, Education for Better Work, Start and Grow My Business.
I noticed the August Ensign magazine has an article on self reliance with an assessment similar to what we use in the My Path devotionals.. I encourage you to set some goals in the areas where you have the lowest scores. Make sure you check it out!
We love you!
Elder and Sister Lambert
Ofankor -new stake center
Celebrating with dance and drums
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