Dear family and friends
Every day I look for the good around me. This week I was not disappointed. LDS Charities partnered with the Ghana Health Services to bring a team of volunteering, trauma doctors from SLC. Their purpose was to collaborate with doctors here on how to improve rural trauma care. To see more on this story visit The author has been an influence for good in the life of our daughter, Kristi, and although we were not able to meet him or the trauma team we enjoyed a brief visit on the phone.
Our work this week included preparing for, and training a new SR Committee for Kaneshie Stake, and joining a group of BYU-I Pathway students for a education seminar. Pathways is an on-line program, with local gatherings for those students preparing for University studies. It is an affordable and beneficial way for LDS students here to pursue their educational goals. After completing the one year course they can continue to work towards a degree. Pathway, the Self Reliance program and Literacy go hand in hand to help people help themselves. Good things are happening for the young people here!
In our spare time we helped the mission office couple by calling missionaries to update and confirm records.
In closing I would like to share two references which have had an impact on my life this week.
8:2,3,9 "2 Yea, behold, I will tell you
in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come
upon you and which shall dwell in your heart .3 Now, behold, this
is the spirit of revelation; 9 And, therefore,
whatsoever you shall ask me to tell you by that means, that will I grant
unto you, and you shall have knowledge concerning it.
And Neal A Maxwell ...."The prompting that goes unresponded to may not be repeated. Writing down what we have been prompted with is vital. A special thought can also be lost later in the day in the rough and tumble of life. God should not, and may not choose to repeat the prompting if we assign what was given such a low priority as to put it aside."
Since most of my inspiration comes at two in the morning I have learned to keep a paper and pen by my bed. It came in handy this week as my thoughts were guided in a certain direction. I love what the Spirit can teach me in the quiet of the night. I testify that the gift of receiving personal revelation is ours as we ask through prayer, seek through study and knock through obedience.
Elder and Sister Lambert
Pix: Harmattan sunrise at Cape Coast
Accra Temple
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